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What is meant by Certification ?

Certification is the formal attestation or confirmation of certain characteristics of an object, person, or organization. This confirmation is often, but not always, provided by some form of external review, education, assessment, or audit. Accreditation is a specific organization's process of certification.

MLC Certification was founded with the simple aim of providing a certification service which goes beyond simply ticking the boxes. We wanted to provide a service which went beyond the grey, unemotional check-list approach to auditing and inspection which has typified the industry for far too long. As a result we have constantly endeavored, and will continue to strive to introduce new, cutting edge and innovative approaches to meet the needs of our clients.


Journey to Certification

  • Detailed Proposal: After a brief discussion with a member of our business development team, when you are ready to proceed, we will provide you with an individually tailored proposal, covering the investment required to obtain your ISO certification.
  • Steps to Certification: Obtain a full copy of the relevant ISO Standard documentation and review the requirements. Assemble your team, review our training course and define your strategy. Develop and implement your management system (policies, procedures and controls). You are now ready to start the assessment process for your management system.
  • Pre-Assessment: Pre-assessment is an early opportunity to review your management system against the requirements of the relevant ISO standards (s). Your assessor will conduct a gap-analysis and provide you with a full report of any areas to address before the formal assessment begins. After each stage, the assessor will prepare and deliver a comprehensive written assessment report detailing the findings of the assessment.
  • Stage One Assessment: This initial assessment determines if the mandatory requirements of the standard are being met and if the management system is capable of proceeding to stage two. Non-conformities identified by the assessor will need to be addressed by your organization. At the end of your stage one assessment, all areas should be compliant with requirements of the relevant ISO standard(s) and allow progression to stage two.
  • Stage Two Assessment: The stage two assessment determines the effectiveness of your management system, and seeks to confirm that your management system controls have been implemented and is fully operational. If your assessor is satisfied that your organization is fully compliant with the relevant ISO standard(s), they will recommend your organization for certification.
  • Certification Decision: At this point in the process the assessor reviews any corrective actions taken to address findings raised in stage one and two. On successful completion of stages one and two, your assessor will make a recommendation for certification. The Certification Manager will review your file to ensure that the recommendation is made in an impartial, fair and competent manner.
  • Certification Presentation: Once ISO certification is achieved, your organization will be issued with a Certification certificate and frame. You will also be provided with relevant logos (stickers and electronic versions) and an online digitally-signed version of your certificate.
  • Continuous Assessments: Your organization is required to submit the management system for review post certification via the continuous assessment process. The first surveillance visit is due within 6 months of the recommendation of certification. ISO certifications have a three year lifecycle. At the end of this period, in order to renew the certification, a mandatory recertification assessment must take place. This includes a review of past implementation and continuing maintenance of the system over the period of certification.
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