Wellbeing Audit 2022: Audit delivery process step
The audit model is based upon the recognized Plan – Do – Check – Act (PDCA) management cycle and is aligned with our Five Star suite of best practice audit products.
The four sections of the audit (leadership, commitment
and planning / implementation / performance monitoring / evaluation and continual improvement) are based upon the PDCA component elements and are also inclusive of the recognized five domains of wellbeing, namely:
Each section is made up of a number of individual component elements relative to the overall theme of the section.
The recommendations arising from the audit against the criteria requirements of the Five Star Wellbeing
Audit, are presented within the audit report. The report identifies the strengths and areas for improvement within the organization’s health, safety and wellbeing management systems. The report also includes observations
and recommendations, together with action planning, for consideration, together with a quantified (graded) outcome.