Overview of Fire NOC

Fire NOC is required for industries, residential buildings, educational buildings and high-risk buildings. The NOC is meant to ensure that safety and construction specifications mandated by the state for specific establishments are followed during the construction and all fire safety devices are installed. Many states have their own Fire Service Acts. Fire NOCs must be obtained for setting up new industries/establishments for carrying out business/manufacturing and storing dangerous, hazardous, flammable, explosive items in the factory premises where the units are housed. The National Building Code of India covers detailed construction, maintenance and fire safety guidelines. It is published by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), and it was a recommendatory document. After new guidelines were issued to the States to incorporate the recommendations of the National Building Code (NBC) into their local building bylaws, the recommendations of NBC of India was made a mandatory requirement. BIS also issued advisories in 2017 to all the State Governments to incorporate and implement the National Building Code of India 2016 Part – IV, "Fire & Life Safety", in their building bye-laws.

Types of Fire NOC Certificate

Provisional Certificate:  A provisional Fire NOC certificate is issued before the actual construction of the project starts. A provisional certificate ensures that the construction plan follows all rules made by the fire department.

Final Certificate: This certificate is issued before the occupancy certificate. The NOC department ensures that all the conditions in provisional NOC are fulfilled and all firefighting devices are in place and then only a final Fire NOC is issued.

Structures for which Fire NOC Certificate is required

Fire Certificate will be required from the respective fire department for the following :

  • Industrial Establishments
  • Hospitals
  • Corporate Buildings
  • Multiplex and Malls
  • Mercantile Business
  • Assembly Buildings
  • Hotels
  • Educational Institutes
  • Telephone Exchange
  • Custodial Organizations
  • Storage Structures with High Dangers
Terminology related to Fire NOC
  • Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm System: System with the capacity to automatically detect fire.
  • Combustible Material: Materials which either are combustible or add heat to fire.
  • Fire Door: A fire resistive door approved for openings in fire separation.
  • Fire Lift: The lift that is installed to enable fire service personnel to reach different floors.
  • Fire Load: Calorific energy of the entire contents contained in space, including facings of walls, partitions, floors, and ceilings.
  • Fire Load Density: It is the fire load divided by the floor’s area.
  • Fire Resistance Rating: Time through which a material will withstand the standard fire exposure.
  • Fire Separation: Distance measured from the external wall of a building to the external wall of another building on its side.
  • Fire Stop: A fire-resistant material or construction with a fire-resistant rating of fire separating elements installed in concealed spaces to prevent spreading.
  • Emergency Lightening: Backup lighting for use when the supply to normal power fails.
  • Means of Egress: An unobstructed and continuous way of travel from any point in a building to a place of comparative safety.
  • Stack Pressure: Pressure difference due to temperature difference creates air movement within a duct chimney or enclosure.
  • Venting Fire: The process of inducing heat and smoke to leave a building quickly to check the lateral spread of fire and heat.
  • Wet Riser: An arrangement of firefighting within the building that uses vertical rising mains not less than 100 mm nominal diameters with landing valves on each floor.
Documents required for Fire NOC Certificate

Specific documents that are required to be submitted to the fire department along with the form to obtain the certificate of Fire NOC :

  • Two copies of building plans.
  • Key Plan
  • Floor Plan
  • Floor-wise Fire Fighting Plan
  • All Fire Fighting Plan
  • Front Elevation
  • Side Elevation
  • Typical Floor Plan
  • Site Plan
  • Floor-Wise Plan
  • Project Report
  • The certificate of building stability
  • Architecture checklist certificate
  • Address Proof
  • The photograph of the building from outside
  • Electronic wiring certificate from a recognized agency
Stages in Fire NOC Application

After receiving the application with the above documents, the request is forwarded to the Chief Officer of the Fire Services Department who inspects the site regarding incorporating all the firefighting and related devices and submits an inspection report to the concerned authority of the department, which issues the No Objection Certificate. The detailed process is given in the table below.

Filing NOC Application and Document Submission Site Inspection Issuance of Licence
To obtain a fire NOC, the applicant can apply through the official website of the relevant state's fire service department or in offline mode by filling out the Fire NOC form along with all requisite documents. The inspecting inspector visits the premise and verifies if safety equipment is installed along with the arrangement for Fire Safety like smoke alarms, fire escape route etc. The applicant will be asked to do the same if the application requires clarification. Only after successfully completing all formalities, safety measures and resolution of queries, the NOC will be issued. The time taken to obtain the Fire NOC is 15 days to 30 days.
Category-wise details of site Inspection, Review and Grant of NOC

The following table gives the details of the Inspection officer and Reviewing Officer and the Fire NOC issuing authorities as per the category of the building

For Commercial Buildings
Building Category Condition Inspecting Officer Reviewing Officer NOC Issuing Officer
D-6 Building - having mixed occupancies of assembly and mercantile - FSO/CFO DD JD
G-1 Building used for low hazard industries Less than 18 meter FSO CFO CFO
G-2 Building used for moderate hazard industry Less than 18 meter FSO CFO DD
G-3 Building used for high hazard industries Less than 15 meter FSO/CFO DD JD
For Commercial Buildings
Building Category Condition Inspecting Officer Reviewing Officer NOC Issuing Officer
A-4 Apartment Houses Less than 15 m FSO CFP CFO
15 to 60 m FSO CFO CFO
60 to 100 m FSO CFO DD
More than 100 m FSO/CFO DD JD
A-5 Hotels Up to 30 m FSO CFO CFO
More than 30 m FSO CFO DD
A-6 Starred Hotels FSO CFO DD
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